Our Town is home to important brands throughout the country and these companies make significant contributions to the economy of the county and to the economy of the country with their production.

The main production items are the most important producers of the country in the production of Machine House Production, Textile, Mining, Animal Husbandry, Meat, Milk and Meat and Dairy products, Shoe and clothing, Industrial Type Felt, Flour, Agricultural tools and machines and cookies in recent years .

Mining is one of the most important sectors in Develi. Gold, Iron, Chrome, Zinc,
Pumice Stone and Natural stone ores

Saray Carpet, which has been operating since 1975, is one of the most important brands of our country. It is the most modern factory of the sector. With its classic, vision, symbol, serenade, harmony, turquoise, season and carving brands and thousands of designs and colors in different specifications, quality, aesthetics, increasingly being the most successful establishment in national and international markets.

There are more than 20 companies in which meat and milk production is done, and in recent years the animal husbandry sector is in the leap. Dairy supplies of important companies of the country are made from Develi.

Our most important export items are Natural Stone and Agricultural tools and machines.

One of the main income sources of the province is agriculture and animal husbandry; The construction sector, which is the locomotive business line, also holds a significant share. Distribution of district agricultural land according to plant cover and planting area 49,500 ha Cereal plant (wheat, barley, rye, chickpea, lentil and bean) is also planted with sugar beets and sunflower from industrial plants. Fruit and vegetable production also has a significant share in agriculture. In recent years, Develi has been prominent in the production of Snack Pumpkin Cereals. Much of Turkey's production is made in Develi. There are 10 irrigation cooperatives in the provinces: Epice, Tombak, Sarıca, Gazi, Karacaviran, Sindelhöyük, Soysallı, Çayırözü, Zile and Merkez. There are also 10 Development Cooperatives in the central and peripheral areas.

In the province, sheep and cattle breeding as well as poultry and single-nosed animal breeding are performed intensively. There are 55,000 cattle and 62,000 small cattle in the district.

Traditional handicrafts are carpeted in the neighborhood and Sindelhöyük Neighborhood and Yenihayat Neighborhood Marble.

Terrestrial climate prevails in the province. The summers are hot and dry, the winters are cold and snowy. Rainfall is mostly seen in spring and autumn seasons. During the calm and open days of the spring and autumn seasons frost and frost are observed. These events negatively affect agriculture. The average precipitation was 366.6 mm.

The district is dominated by the steppe plant cover. In high places, verse and forest areas are encountered, but they are steppe and bush. Fruit horticulture garden has been developed in the district.

According to TURKSTAT 2015 data, the city center population is 36,439, the population of the surrounding neighborhood is 29,105 and the total population is 64,072. (Table 1) The annual population growth rate is 6.24 in the city center and -10.72 in the surrounding neighborhoods, and the population decrease is -2.69 in total.