In a message regarding Lailat al Miraj, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that holy nights are special times

which strengthen the feelings of brotherhood and sharing among people, “This night which we will celebrate, the holy night of Miraj, will be an occasion to remember our spiritual values and human characteristics; I wish for it to bring prosperity to all humanity.”​

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his message:

“This night in which our beloved Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven is of the utmost importance in the Muslim world. We see these precious days as an occasion for strengthening the wisdom of humanity, the disciplining of our desires and the propagation of our feelings of unity, solidarity and brotherhood.

As we work diligently for the material growth of country, we know that this prosperity will only gain value when paired with spiritual richness.

It is with these thoughts and feelings that I, on behalf of the Turkish business community, celebrate the holy night of Miraj and hope it brings enlightenment to our spirits and prosperity for all.”